Saturday, July 24, 2010

YouTube - Alma Salsera - Amazing! - ORIGINAL via Wikipedia

Amazing Salsa dancer with one leg!

Talk about and inspiring, courageous dancer!
Check this video out.

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New and Improved Dance Party

Gaskell302282006Image via Wikipedia
Ballroom Dance Party at the Adult Center has a whole new feel.
If you have been to the dance the last 2 fridays you may have already noticed an improvement.

After a survey several weeks ago, several members got together to discuss what can be done to improve the dances.  These include having greeters, bringing snacks, improving the music.

We are hoping there will be a new instructor offering beginning ballroom dance classes starting in August.
For the friday August 7th dance expect a hot new mix of music, greeters, food and snacks, and a great social dance event for Prescott.
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